Cincinnati Socialists Cincinnati Socialists

Texas Border Horror

A look at what is currently transpiring at the US-Mexico border, particularly along Texas. The US-Mexico border is a reflection of the border surrounding Gaza—the capitalist elites’ blueprint for a future of walls.

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Cincinnati Socialists Cincinnati Socialists

Zionist Lies and Socialist Tactics

Over 140 people signed up to speak about a proposed ceasefire resolution at the Cincinnati City Council meeting on Feb. 14. Many in attendance were in support of a resolution, despite the efforts of the Jewish Federation of Cincinnati.

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Cincinnati Socialists Cincinnati Socialists

Netanyahu’s Final Solution

On February 11, 2024, Netanyahu and co. began raining bombs down on Rafah, which was labeled as a “safe zone” by “Israel.” We condemn what we deem as the “Final Solution” which furthers Netanyahu’s goal of “total victory” in Palestine.

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Cincinnati Socialists Cincinnati Socialists

Is This Who We Are?

Amber Wood’s speech from the Palestine Rally in Covington, KY on Saturday, February 3, 2024.

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Cincinnati Socialists Cincinnati Socialists

The Illegitimacy of Cincinnati City Council

Cincinnati Socialists highlights the inadequacy of Cincinnati City Council and points out the parallels between the violence perpetrated by the government in the West End to the devastation caused by Israel in Palestine.

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Cincinnati Socialists Cincinnati Socialists

Defend CORS! Against Neo-McCarthyism on US Campuses

Cincinnati Socialists stands in unconditional support of CORS at OSU and demand an end to the technocratic, imperialist, neoliberal academy and call for a democratic university dedicated to human progress and accountable to the people.

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Cincinnati Socialists Cincinnati Socialists

Our Demands for Nov. 29th City Council Meeting

On Wednesday, November 29, 2023, Cincinnati Socialists and Students for Justice in Palestine, University of Cincinnati (SJP UC) will be at the Cincinnati City Council Meeting to request our demands be met. Those demands include adopting a new definition of antisemitism, no Cincinnati cops to train in Israel, and an official statement from City Council condemning the atrocities committed by Israel and calling for a permanent ceasefire.

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Cincinnati Socialists Cincinnati Socialists

Who's Extreme? Our Response to Greg Landsman

Cincinnati Socialists responds to Ohio Rep. Greg Landsman’s statements to the CityBeat regarding our rally in front of Main Street’s John Weld Peck Federal Building on November 16, 2023 to protest U.S tax dollars funding to the IDF and the government’s active role in genocide of Palestinians.

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Cincinnati Socialists Cincinnati Socialists

Empire’s True Believers

Last week, over a hundred Congressional staffers walked out in protest of the Biden administration’s refusal to countenance a ceasefire in Gaza. This trend is the latest instance of the heightening contradictions facing neoliberalism in an age of expanding crises.

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