
What We Stand For

Cincinnati Socialists is an independent revolutionary Marxist organization in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA. Our founding members are former comrades of the Cincinnati Branch of Socialist Alternative (SA), the United States Section of International Socialist Alternative (ISA). We have refounded ourselves as an autonomous organization. Although we have separated from ISA, our politics remain firmly in the Bolshevik tradition, as outlined in the fundamental Points of Unity below. We invite all those who desire an emancipated socialist future to join us in our work. Long live the international working class!


For a Socialist Future

Capitalism is a worldwide political and economic system in which the working majority is exploited by a capitalist minority that owns the means of production. Only the international working class, struggling collectively, has the power to oppose it, to permanently eliminate it, and to fashion a new system that democratically meets human needs. We call for a socialist society, a world based on workers’ ownership of and control over the collective product of human activity, paving the way to the abolition of class entirely. 


We stand in the intellectual tradition of Karl Marx, Friedrich Engels, Rosa Luxemburg, James Connolly, V.I. Lenin, Leon Trotsky, Antonio Gramsci, C.L.R. James, and Thomas Sankara. Marxism is a growing and evolving body of theory, and we also acknowledge the recent contributions of ecosocialist, socialist feminist, and social-reproduction theories. We ground our theoretical underpinnings in a materialist conception of history, which means that we see real human struggle, not abstract ideas or fate, as the motive force for human liberation and all historical change. We see both natural and historical processes as dialectical, complex, and nonlinear, not mechanistic or preordained.

A Revolutionary Horizon

We support the struggles of workers and oppressed people for economic and social reforms, both for their own sake and to develop the power and effectiveness of workers’ organizations. However, the capitalist state can never fully emancipate the international working class from exploitation, imperialism, ongoing environmental collapse, or the threat of fascism. The working class needs an entirely new and different political form, a democratic workers’ state, that can only be achieved by the abolition of the state in its current form.

No Faith in Electoralism

Elections can help propagate working-class demands, force concessions from the ruling class, and serve as a platform for socialist ideas. However, electoralism is not the primary approach of revolutionary organizations. We do not support candidates of capitalist parties like the Democrats or the Republicans. We do, however, support independent socialist candidates who work to oppose the capitalist state and who actively promote the power of the workers and oppressed in our workplaces, homes, schools, and the streets.

Opposition to Imperialism

The struggle for socialism is international. It requires coordinated struggle of workers and oppressed people across national boundaries. We stand in solidarity with the struggles of the global South and oppressed national groups against imperial interference, particularly by the US and NATO countries. We oppose US military intervention everywhere without exception. We support the defunding and demobilization of the US military and the elimination of the arms industry. We support complete elimination of all weapons of mass destruction. We support self-determination for Puerto Rico and all US colonies. We support current socialist nations in their efforts to withstand the encroachment of neo-colonialism and imperialism. We support cultural and political autonomy for Indigenous peoples, both in North America and abroad, as well as global efforts toward decolonization.

Against Oppressive Structures

Many oppressed groups worldwide are engaged in struggles against structures of inequality and discrimination under capitalism. We maintain that the destruction of these structures of oppression is an essential part of socialist struggle. We oppose white supremacy, misogyny, homophobia, transphobia, national chauvinism, and all forms of oppression. We support the struggle for immigrant rights, and for Black and Indigenous liberation. We oppose cisheteronormativity and fight for the full social equality of women and LGBTQ+ people. We support the right of oppressed groups to self-defense, self-determination, and self-organization. We support dismantling the police and carceral systems and denounce them as inherently white supremacist institutions.


We look forward to working in coalition with any group or organization fighting for the emancipation of humankind. We welcome any opportunity to work alongside activists fighting for the rights of women, oppressed minorities, immigrants, and labor. We are dedicated to supporting community organizations combating police violence, gentrification, ecological despoliation, and homelessness. However, we are an autonomous and independent Marxist organization. We are not middle-class liberals. We are not engaged in activism for activism’s sake. We cannot abandon or disguise our Marxist principles in deference to coalition partners.

Towards a Mass Socialist Party

The capitalist class is highly organized and disciplined. It controls the courts, the police, the military, the schools and universities, and much of the print and electronic media. To effectively oppose it, we ourselves must respond with discipline and organization. Therefore, we are committed to the task of performing the groundwork for an independent workers’ party. We aim to build an independent militant socialist organization rooted in our communities that, in fighting today’s struggles, also wins larger numbers to the fight for socialism.