The People’s Platform

Do you have a shitty experience with your boss or landlord? Have you been harassed or brutalized by police? Have you been discriminated against based on race, gender, sexuality, nationality, disability, income, etc.?  We want to provide you a platform to share your story with other working class folk in Cincinnati. Sharing our experiences puts us in community with others. As socialists, we work to advance the interests of working class people, and that necessitates putting your struggles, conflicts, and experiences front and center. Alone, we can do little to enact change; in solidarity, we can create a better world.

"The proletarians have nothing to lose but their chains. They have a world to win. Workers of the world, Unite!" - Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto

Style Guide

This is a space for you to share your story. We (the editorial team for Cincinnati Socialists) will read each story submitted. The editorial team will select submissions to feature to our audience across Cincinnati on our website and social media platforms.

All submissions of any length, subject, tone, etc. are welcome. For the purpose of publishing these stories, our editorial team will be inclined to select stories featuring personal experiences dealing with life under capitalism: a bad boss or landlord, gentrification, bigotry, police violence and discrimination, etc. We may also select snippets of longer submissions to publish.

Let us know if you'd like to remain anonymous.