Statement Against Anti-Palestinian Pogrom in Huwara

The members of Cincinnati Socialists condemn in the strongest possible terms the recent anti-Palestinian pogrom in Huwara. As students of history, we know that this outburst of Zionist mob killing is hardly new, but is in fact a built-in feature of the Israeli settler-colonial project, the end goal of which is the complete genocide of the Palestinian people. We reject dishonest bourgeois media narratives which cast “both sides” as equally culpable in this conflict. Rather, we understand that there is one and only one aggressor: the genocidal state of Israel.

We call on the Biden regime to immediately cease funding its Israeli puppet state, so that not one more US tax dollar is funneled toward the genocide of the Palestinian people. Furthermore, we call on the workers in the US to commit themselves to abolishing American imperialism, and join with the Palestinian people in their fight for freedom.

For a free Palestine, from the river to the sea! For a unified international working class movement against imperialism! Onward to socialism!


Remembering the Armenian Genocide


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